I ett officiellt utlåtande fördömer Vita huset gisslandramat i Sayidat al-Nejat-kyrkan i Bagdad. Vita husets pressekreterare Robert Gibbs skriver att man måste stå enade mot terrorn för att kunna skydda folket.
Pressmeddelandet i sin helhet:
”The United States strongly condemns this senseless act of hostage taking and violence by terrorists linked to al Qaeda in Iraq that occurred Sunday in Baghdad killing so many innocent Iraqis. Our hearts go out to the people of Iraq who have suffered so much from these attacks. We offer sincerest condolences to the families of the victims and to all the people of Iraq who are targeted by these cowardly acts of terrorism. We know the overwhelming majority of Iraqis from all its communities reject violence and we stand with them as we work together to combat terrorism and protect the people of our two nations.”